Welcome to
Simba Housing Association (Greenwich)
Working to put the needs of African Heritage Young People First.

Our Mission
We aim to provide diverse range of affordable accommodation to those in housing need, primarily from the African/African-Caribbean community. Furthermore, to provide the best possible services geared to the needs of the tenants.
Our Background
Simba began life as a subsidiary of the Simba Project but in 1995 it was registered as a standalone housing association with the express aim of providing a range of affordable housing options and services to people, primarily from the African and African-Caribbean community, in housing need.
The work we do
We believe that Simba plays a vital role by providing an essential link between mainstream housing providers and enablers and the community we serve in south east London. In essence, the fact that we are part of the very community we serve ensures that our services closely match the needs of our tenants.
Aims & Objectives
- Work in partnership with housing providers and the London Borough of Greenwich in the strategies to ensure development of viable black-led Housing Associations.
- Maintain responsive and committed housing services at reasonable cost with active tenant involvement.
- Strengthen Simba community’s special responsibility for developing procedures that will combat discrimination and disadvantage.
- Work closely with the London Borough of Greenwich and other major social housing providers in meeting the housing needs of the community in general and the African-Caribbean community in particular.
- Continue to provide Housing Plus range of services in meeting the culturally sensitive needs of the Simba Community with special emphasis on Supported Housing.
Important points
- Applicants must be aged 18-25 years, from the African Caribbean Community.
- Must have a Greenwich connection.
- They must be homeless or threatened with homelessness.
Simba Housing Association
Simba provides accommodation for young single homeless people aged 18-25 years. Consideration is also given to 17 year olds referred by London Borough of Greenwich. Applicants for housing should be in housing need and feel they would benefit from the support we offer. Our houses are not staffed; however, officers are available between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. In addition, officers visit the property weekly and house meetings are held when needed. Emergency out office service is provided via telephone.
Get In Touch
121B Victoria Way
Phone & Email
02088 550 488
Who We House
Making A Referral
Applicants can refer themselves or be referred by Greenwich Housing Directorate: this includes Housing Aid Centre, Homeless Service, Social Services etc. Referrals are also accepted from Referral Agencies such as Stopover, Nacro, New Horizon and Connexions etc.
The Process
Call our office on (0208) 855 0488 or drop in to see us at 121 B Victoria Way, Charlton, London, SE7 7NX to pick up an application form. Once the application form is completed and returned, it is assessed for suitability against our selection criteria.
About us
Who We Are
We work closely with local authorities, including the London Borough of Greenwich, to help ensure the delivery of a diverse and equitable housing service. We also work closely with mainstream housing associations who share our desire to see healthy and vibrant black-led associations operating within their communities.
Simba began life as a subsidiary of the Simba Project but in 1995 it was registered as a standalone housing association with the express aim of providing a range of affordable housing options and services to people, primarily from the African and African-Caribbean community, in housing need.
We believe that Simba plays a vital role by providing an essential link between mainstream housing providers and enablers and the community we serve in south east London. In essence, the fact that we are part of the very community we serve ensures that our services closely match the needs of our tenants.
More About Us
Aims & Objectives
Work in partnership with housing providers and the London Borough of Greenwich in the strategies to ensure development of viable black-led Housing Associations.
Strengthen Simba community’s special responsibility for developing procedures that will combat discrimination and disadvantage.
Work closely with the London Borough of Greenwich and other major social housing providers in meeting the housing needs of the community in general and the African-Caribbean community in particular.
Continue to provide Housing Plus range of services in meeting the culturally sensitive needs of the Simba Community with special emphasis on Supported Housing.
Making a Referral
The Process
Applicants can refer themselves or be referred by Greenwich Housing Directorate: this includes Housing Aid Centre, Homeless Service, Social Services etc. Referrals are also accepted from Referral Agencies such as Stopover, Nacro, New Horizon and Connexions etc.
Call For Inquiry
02088 550 488
Mail For Inquiry
Call our office on (0208) 855 0488 or email us to make an appointment to see us.
Once the application form is completed and returned, it is assessed for suitability against our selection criteria.
If an applicant is suitable then she/he is invited for an interview. Interviews may be for a particular vacancy, if one exists, or for a place on the waiting list.
What Our Ex-Tenants Say
years Established
hour support
clients rehoused
clients moved on
Get In Touch
Location: 121B Victoria Way Charlton SE7 7NX
Telephone:02088 550 488
Email: info@simbaha.org.uk
Hours: M-F: 9am - 5pm